Actions from North Area Panel meeting 15.2.23


Deadline for staff to respond: 5pm on 26th April  


All staff please note Date ACTION completed refers to when the requested action is done (or planned to be done if outstanding) not this form is filled in.


Ref & Date Outstanding actions raised



Response including what is completed & outstanding

Is Action Completed or Outstanding?

Date Action completed

or planned completion date?








Confirm reason for the window repairs programme being delayed at Bates Estate and communicate this to residents

Geof Gage

As discussed at area panel the requirement to hold back the window programme at Bates Estate was due to the additional works necessary for the removal of crittal window frames for which it was necessary to undertake a further assessment as to methods and necessary making good with an alternative contractor. This delay required us to hold back on this programme. We are now intending to undertake both window replacements and external repairs and decorations to the Bates Estate commencing 2024/25 financial year, this will allow us to utilise one set of scaffold for both elements, ensure value for money in doing so and avoid unnecessary disruption to residents by undertaking the two sets of work separately. We anticipate the works to the estate will be approximately 3 years.




Organise for the branches to be removed from outside the last two blocks of flats at Tavistock Down

Justine Harris

Following the AP meeting the Estates Service inspected the branches. Due to the size of the branches, they need to be cut back by an arborist. This request has been submitted. A verbal update will be given at the next Area Panel when we expect the works to have been completed.




Confirm what is currently being used to remove weeds since previous chemical was found to be poisonous.

Justine Harris

Weeds are removed by using a Weed Whacker and a Weed Burner. This is in addition to regular hand tools such as hoes.

